The biggest event of the twenty-first century. For the first time in human history. In the eternal centre of the world, Rome
"The Universal Pursuit of Justice" will take place in 2024 in the central square of the Vatican, in the heart and center of the world.
“And he who wants to retain nothing possesses everything”
Erich Maria Remarque
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”
5:9 NIV
The entire global community is gripped by unrest and instability, and everyone is seeking comfort and peace. Eager for answers to the questions:
What is peace, where to find it?
Who endowed humans with this right to peace?
What is just and what is not?
Where and whose historical territories?
Who is who in this world?
Who will give us justice?
Who is this SAVIOR?
1 billion people around the world can unite hearts with a vision, listen to the world's top experts and motivators, pray together, and see a new future - a new world
Guests of honor:
world renowned personalities and philanthropists
crowned dignitaries
Founders and representatives of peacekeeping organizations
celebrities and opinion leaders
religious priests